Read the latest news items and watch the latest video blogs from Rhydian himself!

Album News: Merry Christmas 2024

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas!! Here’s a short video message from Rhydian, to let you know about the launch of his new album 'The Very Best Of My Life'.

Album News: New Years Eve 2022

Wishing you all a Happy New Year!! Here’s a short video message from Rhydian, reflecting on the year just gone. Highs & lows but mainly highs and loads to be grateful thankful for.

A thank you to everyone

Rhydian sends us a video update as he takes a walk in the Welsh hills.

Only a week to the Swansea Concert!

A video blog from Rhydian to update on what he's been doing recently, ahead of the concert in Swansea in a week's time.

Workout time!

Here’s what Rhydian gets up to after a two show day.

A taste of Panto life!

Rhydian gives us a taste of life during a rare day off in pantoland.

Panto time in Chesterfield!

A video blog to update fans on how things are going in this years Panto, playing Prince Charming in Cinderella in Chesterfield.

Dinner on the Tour Bus!

Rhydian gives us a glimpse of life on tour as he finds time to cook dinner on the tour bus before his sound check in Portsmouth.